简介: Juan, a prison officer, silently observes the visit every Sunday of Berta, mother of one of the imates. The day he finally approaches her, he surprises himself by pretending to be another visiting father and inventing a daughter inside the jail: Josefina. The need to fill the vacuum of their lives prompts Juan and Berta to continue meeting outside the reality around them.
简介: 故事开始于1898年西班牙西北部的一座名叫拉科鲁尼亚的城市之中。马赛拉(格蕾塔·费尔南德斯 Greta Fernández 饰)是修道院里新转来的学生,在这里,她认识了名为伊莉莎(娜特莉·德·莫利纳 Natalia de Molina 饰)的女孩。两个女孩之间很快就结下了深厚的友谊,并且这种友谊渐渐转化成为了懵懂的爱情。 这段背德的感情在当时当然是不被允许的,为了拆散两人,马赛拉的父亲将女儿送进了另一所位于马德里的学校。一晃眼三年过去,此时的伊莉莎在一座小村庄里当老师,而马赛拉义无反顾的去那里找她,这对有情人终于再度走到了一起。可是,最终,她们的爱情还是抵不过世俗的非议,伊莉莎选择了离开,而马赛拉则和一个男人结婚了。
简介: Ana is a girl from Seville, who's sick of her family and the problematic neighborhood they live in. But things are about to get even worse when her mother, in a desperate attempt not to get evicted, comes up with a cunning plan...